Posted by : Surya Fahik
Senin, 03 September 2012
BIT-XP.COM - Kali ini saya akan
memberikan sebuah tool yang sangat berguna buat sobat pengguna blogger
atau pun pembuat website. Tool yang bernama HTML Guardian V.7.7.9
ini dapat mengamankan code source html,js,php,css,dsb dengan cara
mengencrypt code code tersebut menjadi code yang sulit dipecah kan.
Mungkin sobat blogger masih asing dengan tool ini. Nah bagi yang
menganggapnya asing silahkan dicicipi biar gak asing lagi...Nah bagi
yang sudah Request silahkan di sedot gan....
- Encrypt html files, asp files, external script files(.js or .vbs), php and shtml files, framesets and style sheets (.css) files. You can also encrypt HTML-formatted email.
- Protect your images with Image Guardian - enhanced image protection.
- Encrypt only desired parts of html files.
- Two different base methods of encryption - files encrypted with the default method work in all javascript-enabled browsers. You can also use the alternative method developed and optimized specifically for Internet Explorer browsers (version 5.0 or higher) - it may be useful in corporate environments, and when the protected content will be surely rendered by IE engine (like in .chm files and various ebook formats).
- Disable right mouse button (right click).
- Disable showing link targets in status bar.
- Disable text selection.
- Prohibit offline use - your files will work fine when someone is browsing your site, but they will not work if they are saved and run from a local hard drive.
- Lock protected files to one or more domains. - files will work only if opened from the specified domain(s)
- Password protect your pages using either a basic or Ultra-Strong password protection.
- Prohibit linking your pages from other sites.
- Prohibit printing of protected files.
- Disable Clipboard & Print Screen ( for IE 5+ only ).
- Set expiration date - make encrypted files to work for a limited period of time only.
- Option only to compress HTML code(without encryption).
Download HTML Guardian V.7.7.9
Download HTML Guardian V.7.7.9
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